Unique watercolor portraits and pet portraits as seen on dooce.com, marthastewart.com and The Pioneer Woman. Commissions gladly accepted.

Performance Anxiety

A few weeks ago I started this here blog, with every intention of updating it regularly and faithfully. So far, I haven't gotten past that snarky first entry. You should know that this is not the first blog I've ever started. The last one met with the same fate...a slow start, feverish updating for a couple of weeks, and then - crickets. I am challenged by the seemingly endless potential of journal-writing, much the same way I regard a brand new sheet of watercolor paper. Big, bright white, expansive space waiting for something important to emerge. Faced with all that possibility I sometimes have a little bit of um...performance anxiety. Plus, there is the whole business of me actually writing for a living. Sometimes when I get home after a day of writing soul-less ad copy and newspaper articles, I can't. Write. Another. Word. Except I am always writing in my head, really. So what might readers of this blog find here? Since it's got my name all over it, it will be closely associated with my artwork and all that jazz. And also chronicles of my life as a haggard working mom. I think I'm going to be brave this time around and tell others that this blog actually exists.

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